Testing Qt components in pytest#

Ert’s GUI is written in Qt, using a library like PyQt5 and using the testing framework pytest-qt with its test-helper class QtBot. There are several challenges in integrating a Qt GUI in a Python program, which this document hopes to alleviate.

The Qt event loop#

As a GUI framework, Qt is optimised for low resource usage. If an application is doing nothing, it should use minimal CPU. The program should only activate when the user interacts with, say, a button. For this to work, Qt needs to have complete control over the process.

Python, like Javascript, is mostly single-threaded. While Javascript in the browser is explicitly single-threaded, Python supports creating threads, but the Global Intepreter Lock makes Python non-concurrent. Because Qt needs to have complete control over the process, Python functions should be expected to be short and complete quickly. In our code-base, this is often not the case. This is equivalent to a web browser having complete control over the GUI, with any Javascript functions needing to complete quickly lest the browser hang.

No discussion of Qt is complete without a discussion on its signals-slots system. This concept is not unique to Qt, however. The HTML attribute onClick is exactly equivalent to Qt’s QPushButton::clicked signal. While in the Javascript world these are called callbacks, in Qt these are signals and slots. In the web browser, the web-page is a static HTML document until the user clicks on the button, causing a short Javascript function to be called. In Qt, the GUI is static until the user clicks on a button, causing the QPushButton::clicked signal to be emitted, which eventually calls the slots connected to it. These functions, too, should return quickly.

Unlike a Javascript callback function, the signal-slots system is more complicated. When a signal is emitted, it is put on the event queue. Each thread has its own event queue handler, and will call the slotted function when it gets around to it. This is an asynchronous model that makes it easy to deal with threads. In Qt, QObjects belong to threads, inheriting its thread’s event queue. Within a QObject, all functions and fields exist on the same thread, and are in this regard thread-safe. When interaction happens using the signals-slots system, events are placed on the correct thread’s event queue, meaning this too happens safely.

If our Qt GUI adheres to these principles, we will be able to benefit greatly.


Ert relies on a number of dialog boxes. These are often modal, meaning the rest of the GUI is disabled while the dialog is open. Modal dialogs do not necessarily mean that the underlying code is not allowed to run, but Ert’s reliance of the exec_() method makes it so.

The exec_() method for dialogs makes Qt block until the dialog is closed. For pytest, this means that the testing code stops entirely. To work around this, our tests use the QTimer.singleShot pattern. This adds a function to Qt’s queue to be run at a later time, usually in a second. Starting this timer before doing exec_() will let the given function to continue the test. This has the following problems: the function is opaque to pytest and if the function does not complete, the test hangs. The dialog box never closes, thus the exec_() call never returns. The exception thrown by the function is lost as well, caught by Qt’s exception handler.

The alternative and correct way of handling dialogs is using the open() method. Like exec_() it will show and focus the window. Unlike exec_() it does not block. The code continues. The test is then responsible to wait for this object to be “exposed”, which can be done using the qtbot.waitExposed function.

Instead of the current pattern of:

def test_gui(qtbot):
  dialog = MyDialog()

  def handle_dialog():
    qtbot.waitUntil(lambda: isinstance(QApplication.activeWindow(), MyDialog))
    dialog = QApplication.activeWindow()
    assert isinstance(dialog, MyDialog)

    # do something with dialog


  QTimer.singleShot(1000, handle_dialog)

We should write:

def test_gui(qtbot):
  dialog = MyDialog()

   # do something with dialog


Notice that the entire test is in pytest. Assertion errors here will propagate to the qtbot fixture which will be able to deal with errors appropriately, as well as shut down Qt correctly.

Importantly, this code does not give control to Qt. In production this is unwanted, but the test code must be controlled by pytest. Note that all of QtBots wait functions have a default timeout of five seconds, meaning that even a failing test will eventually finish.


The QTimer.singleShot pattern is also found dealing with QMessageBoxes. These message boxes are used around the codebase to inform the user of various events. Unlike QDialogs, they are not complicated.

The pytest-qt documentation advises us to monkeypatch the QMessageBox static methods to return the desired outcome immediately. Instead of having the code manually click the “Yes” or “Ok” button, the QMessageBox should immediately return the desired state.

I propose we mock QMessageBoxes entirely in the whole test-suite. Their functionality is simple and we do not care about our ability to press the “Yes” button, as this is something that is already well-tested by the Qt developers. Instead, the default for all QMessageBox static methods is to return whatever the default button is, as well as expose a testing API that can ensure that the contents of the QMessageBox is what we expected.

We can add a new fixture qmsgbox which can be used thusly:

def test_msg(qtbot, qmsgbox):
  widget = OperationPerformer()

  with qmsgbox.fatal(title="Failure"):

In this case, qmsgbox.fatal is a contextmanager that overrides QMessageBox.fatal and at the end of the block qtbot.waitSignals for it to be called, asserting that the title of the QMessageBox is "Failure". In the code, the QMessageBox.fatal simply returns QMessageBox.Ok immediately, allowing the code to never block.

Never block#

In essence, the Ert GUI code should never ever block. This is already the case in most of the code-base. The exceptions are the aforementioned QDialogs and QMessageBoxes. The other is whenever the GUI needs to interact with some more Pythonic parts of Ert. Over time we wish for the GUI to interact with Ert over some other channel, rather than calling functions directly.

Even if we get to a point where Ert GUI and Ert proper interact over the network, we will still need to be smart about Qt. It may be tempting to implement starting processes and interacting with network sockets using the Pythonic subprocess and socket/websockets modules. Doing so would require the GUI to have two event handlers: One owned by Qt to handle the GUI, and another one to handle the subprocess and/or socket/websockets using eg. asyncio. This would be an error, as the complexity of dealing with two systems that both think they have the sole ownership of the process would be great and cause a lot of headache when debugging.

Instead, we should take more advantage of Qt. Qt is not just a GUI framework, but a whole application framework. It already contains modules for dealing with subprocesses using QtCore.QProcess , sockets using QtNetwork.QTcpSocket and/or websockets using QtWebSockets.QWebSocket. These components interact with the Qt event system and can be used to implement what is required for dealing with Ert. Components that do not have a Qt equivalent, like eg. ZeroMQ, should be wrapped in a class that inherits from QObject and ran in a separate Qt thread. This object should never block and instead poll. This way, Qt remains in control, with the Python-based component correctly being a second-class citizen in the system.

In essence, the GUI code must never ever block.