Running ERT#

Graphical User Interface (GUI)#

Opens an independent graphical user interface for the user to interact with ERT.

usage: ert gui [-h] [--verbose] [--enable-scheduler | --disable-scheduler]

Positional Arguments#


ERT configuration file

Named Arguments#


Show verbose output.

Default: False


Enable scheduler


Disable scheduler

Command Line Interface (CLI)#

The following sub commands can be used in order to use ERT’s command line interface. Note that different sub commands may require different additional arguments.

Test Run#

Run ‘test_run’ in cli

usage: ert test_run [-h] [--current-case CURRENT_CASE] [--verbose]
                    [--color-always] [--disable-monitoring]
                    [--port-range PORT_RANGE]
                    [--enable-scheduler | --disable-scheduler]

Positional Arguments#


ERT configuration file

Named Arguments#


Name of the case where the results for the experiment using the prior parameters will be stored.

Default: default


Show verbose output.

Default: False


Force coloring of monitor output, which is automatically disabled if the output stream is not a terminal.

Default: False


Monitoring will continuously print the status of the realisations classified into Waiting, Pending, Running, Failed, Finished and Unknown.

Default: False


Port range [a,b] to be used by the evaluator. Format: a-b


Enable scheduler


Disable scheduler

Ensemble Experiment#

Run experiments in cli without performing any updates on the parameters.

usage: ert ensemble_experiment [-h] [--realizations REALIZATIONS]
                               [--current-case CURRENT_CASE]
                               [--iter-num ITER_NUM] [--verbose]
                               [--color-always] [--disable-monitoring]
                               [--port-range PORT_RANGE]
                               [--enable-scheduler | --disable-scheduler]

Positional Arguments#


ERT configuration file

Named Arguments#


These are the realizations that will be used to perform experiments. For example, if ‘Number of realizations:50 and Active realizations is 0-9’, then only realizations 0,1,2,3,…,9 will be used to perform experiments while realizations 10,11, 12,…,49 will be excluded.


Name of the case where the results for the experiment using the prior parameters will be stored.

Default: default


Specification of which iteration number is about to be made. Use iter-num to avoid recomputing the priors.

Default: 0


Show verbose output.

Default: False


Force coloring of monitor output, which is automatically disabled if the output stream is not a terminal.

Default: False


Monitoring will continuously print the status of the realisations classified into Waiting, Pending, Running, Failed, Finished and Unknown.

Default: False


Port range [a,b] to be used by the evaluator. Format: a-b


Enable scheduler


Disable scheduler

Ensemble Smoother#

Run experiments in cli while performing one update on the parameters by using the ensemble smoother algorithm.

usage: ert ensemble_smoother [-h] --target-case TARGET_CASE
                             [--realizations REALIZATIONS]
                             [--current-case CURRENT_CASE] [--verbose]
                             [--color-always] [--disable-monitoring]
                             [--port-range PORT_RANGE]
                             [--enable-scheduler | --disable-scheduler]

Positional Arguments#


ERT configuration file

Named Arguments#


Name of the case where the results for the updated parameters will be stored.


These are the realizations that will be used to perform experiments.For example, if ‘Number of realizations:50 and Active realizations is 0-9’, then only realizations 0,1,2,3,…,9 will be used to perform experiments while realizations 10,11, 12,…,49 will be excluded


Name of the case where the results for the experiment using the prior parameters will be stored.

Default: default


Show verbose output.

Default: False


Force coloring of monitor output, which is automatically disabled if the output stream is not a terminal.

Default: False


Monitoring will continuously print the status of the realisations classified into Waiting, Pending, Running, Failed, Finished and Unknown.

Default: False


Port range [a,b] to be used by the evaluator. Format: a-b


Enable scheduler


Disable scheduler

Iterative Ensemble Smoother#

Run experiments in cli while performing updates on the parameters using the iterative ensemble smoother algorithm.

usage: ert iterative_ensemble_smoother [-h] --target-case TARGET_CASE
                                       [--realizations REALIZATIONS]
                                       [--current-case CURRENT_CASE]
                                       [--num-iterations NUM_ITERATIONS]
                                       [--verbose] [--color-always]
                                       [--port-range PORT_RANGE]
                                       [--enable-scheduler | --disable-scheduler]

Positional Arguments#


ERT configuration file

Named Arguments#


The iterative ensemble smoother creates multiple cases for the different iterations. The case names will follow the specified format. For example, ‘Target case format: iter_%d’ will generate cases with the names iter_0, iter_1, iter_2, iter_3, ….


These are the realizations that will be used to perform experiments.For example, if ‘Number of realizations:50 and active realizations are 0-9’, then only realizations 0,1,2,3,…,9 will be used to perform experiments while realizations 10,11, 12,…,49 will be excluded.


Name of the case where the results for the experiment using the prior parameters will be stored.

Default: default


The number of iterations to run.


Show verbose output.

Default: False


Force coloring of monitor output, which is automatically disabled if the output stream is not a terminal.

Default: False


Monitoring will continuously print the status of the realisations classified into Waiting, Pending, Running, Failed, Finished and Unknown.

Default: False


Port range [a,b] to be used by the evaluator. Format: a-b


Enable scheduler


Disable scheduler


Run ‘es_mda’ in cli

usage: ert es_mda [-h] [--target-case TARGET_CASE]
                  [--realizations REALIZATIONS] [--weights WEIGHTS]
                  [--restart-case RESTART_CASE] [--verbose] [--color-always]
                  [--disable-monitoring] [--port-range PORT_RANGE]
                  [--enable-scheduler | --disable-scheduler]

Positional Arguments#


ERT configuration file

Named Arguments#


The es_mda creates multiple cases for the different iterations. The case names will follow the specified format. For example, ‘Target case format: iter-%d’ will generate cases with the names iter-0, iter-1, iter-2, iter-3, ….


These are the realizations that will be used to perform experiments.For example, if ‘Number of realizations:50 and active realizations are 0-9’, then only realizations 0,1,2,3,…,9 will be used to perform experiments while realizations 10,11, 12,…,49 will be excluded.


Example custom relative weights: ‘8,4,2,1’. This means multiple data assimilation ensemble smoother will half the weight applied to the observation errors from one iteration to the next across 4 iterations.

Default: 4, 2, 1


Name of the case where the results for the experiment using the prior parameters will be stored. Iteration number is read from this case. If provided this will be a restart a run


Show verbose output.

Default: False


Force coloring of monitor output, which is automatically disabled if the output stream is not a terminal.

Default: False


Monitoring will continuously print the status of the realisations classified into Waiting, Pending, Running, Failed, Finished and Unknown.

Default: False


Port range [a,b] to be used by the evaluator. Format: a-b


Enable scheduler


Disable scheduler


Executes the workflow given

usage: ert workflow [-h] [--ensemble ENSEMBLE] [--verbose] [--color-always]
                    [--disable-monitoring] [--port-range PORT_RANGE]
                    [--enable-scheduler | --disable-scheduler]
                    name config

Positional Arguments#


Name of workflow


ERT configuration file

Named Arguments#


Which ensemble to use


Show verbose output.

Default: False


Force coloring of monitor output, which is automatically disabled if the output stream is not a terminal.

Default: False


Monitoring will continuously print the status of the realisations classified into Waiting, Pending, Running, Failed, Finished and Unknown.

Default: False


Port range [a,b] to be used by the evaluator. Format: a-b


Enable scheduler


Disable scheduler